To sign up for a MoneyMatch Personal Account, you can sign up through our MoneyMatch App or MoneyMatch Transfer Website. After signing up, you are required to Verify Your Account (e-KYC). Once your account is verified, you can begin transacting on our platform!
Sign up using the MoneyMatch App
You may download the app on the iOS Appstore/ Google Playstore
- Click on "Sign Up".
- Kindly ensure that the region is selected as "Singapore" before proceeding.
- Then, fill in the details and click "Next"
- Set your password
- Select your Security Image and Security String
- Then, you will receive an email to verify your email address
- Check your SPAM or Junk folder and also whitelist our email to ensure that you receive our emails successfully.
- After you have verified your email, return to the MoneyMatch App and log in to your account.
- You will be required to verify your phone number by keying in your OTP code.
- Where you are unable to receive the OTP code, check that your phone number is entered accurately.
- Upon verifying their account, you will be required to create a profile to proceed.
- If you are using MoneyMatch for personal transactions, select "Personal"
- Next, tell us about yourself! Provide the details required so we can better understand your needs.
- Subsequently, you are required to key in your Residential Address. If you are not from Singapore, you are required to include your residential address in Singapore and not your home country.
- Review the details and "Create Profile" to complete your profile.
Now it's time to Verify Your Account!
For a detailed guide, See How Can I Verify My Account. For more information on what documents are needed to verify your account, see What do I need to prepare to verify my account?
Sign up using the MoneyMatch Website
Go to our MoneyMatch Website and choose your region.
- Then, fill in the details and click "Next"
- Set your password
- Select your Security Image and Security String
- You will be required to verify your phone number by keying in your OTP code.
- Where you are unable to receive the OTP code, check that your phone number is entered accurately.
- Then, you will receive an email to verify your email address
- Check your SPAM or Junk folder and also whitelist our email to ensure that you receive our emails successfully.
- After you have verified your email, return to the MoneyMatch website and log in to your account.
- Upon verifying their account, you will be required to create a profile to proceed.
- If you are using MoneyMatch for personal transactions, select "Personal"
- Next, tell us about yourself! Provide the details required so we can better understand your needs.
- Subsequently, you are required to key in your Residential Address. If you are not from Singapore, you are required to include your residential address in Singapore and not your home country.
- Review the details and "Create Profile" to complete your profile.
Now it's time to Verify Your Account!
For a detailed guide, See How Can I Verify My Account. For more information on what documents are needed to verify your account, see What do I need to prepare to verify my account?