For business users, you may pay for multiple orders at once through Pulse.
This feature is only available for business users.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do so!
STEP 1. Pending Payment Tab
- When you click on the “Pending Payment” tab, you will be able to see all orders that are pending payment (including all orders with different sender bank accounts).
You will see a “Make Batch Payment” button from the filters
STEP 2. Make Batch Payment
Once you click on the button, a content box will be expanded
You can filter the orders to pay based on the sender bank account
A checkbox appears to select all functions, and also in the order table
STEP 3. Pay with FPX
You have to choose a bank from the drop-down list
You can choose to click on the FPX button and get redirected to the bank’s website to proceed with the payment.
And you're done!