You can cancel your order from your end if you have not made the payment, and the order status is shown as "Pending Deposit".
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cancel an unpaid order.
Jump to section: Personal Users, Business Users
Personal Users
You can cancel an unpaid order via the web browser or MoneyMatch App.
- 1. Select the "Transfers" icon from your App Menu.
2. Select the relevant order
The order status will be shown as "Pending Deposit"
3. Click on the "delete" icon on the top right corner to cancel the order
- 4. Select "Confirm Delete" to cancel
- 1. To do so, log in to your MoneyMatch Account.
- 2. Select the "delete" icon on the relevant order
- 3. Select "Yes, delete it!" to confirm
Business Users
You can cancel an unpaid order via the web browser.
How to Cancel an Unpaid Order (Pulse)
1. Select "Activities" from the left menu.
2. Select the "Order Ref" shown for the relevant order.
The order status will be shown as Pending Deposit
3. Select "Cancel transaction" from the transaction details page.
You will be prompted to confirm your order cancellation.
*Note that you can also accomplish this through the Dashboard by navigating to Pending Action and clicking on Pending Deposit.