It generally takes 1-2 working days to reach your recipient. However, sometimes it might take up to 4 business days to reach your recipient depending on the recipient's bank validation, as it might be held due to compliance checking in the recipient bank end.
The time it takes depends on the currencies involved, bank holidays and weekends in both the sending and receiving countries. Please take note that we can only send or receive your funds during regular banking hours.
Kindly note that our operational hours are from 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed on Weekends and public holidays). This means we will not process orders/ review documents outside of our business hours.
Orders are only processed by MoneyMatch once full payment has been made and all Compliance checks have been completed. Once processed and set "In-Transit", transfers may take up to 1-2 business days to reach the recipient, subject to bank and public holidays in both the sender and recipient's countries.
To learn more regarding the speed of transfer during holidays, see Will the speed of my transfer be impacted by holidays in the sending and receiving countries?